OSD_IconOpen Seizure Detector

Free, Open Source tools to Alert Carers if someone suffers an Epileptic Seizure

View the Project on GitHub

Web Sites

There are currently three web sites relating to OpenSeizureDetector:

The struture of each is described below


This is web site is intended to be the replacement for the current rather random site at OpenSeizureDetector.org.uk. It uses the Jekyl static site generation tool and its source files are stored on github in the openseizuredetector.github.io repository. This means it should be easier for users to suggest changes to the site and implement them using pull requests, compared to using wordpress.

The site is hosted on github pages at openseizuredetector.github.io.

One unresolved issue with this approach is how to handle translations.


Contributing Changes



This site provides user registration utilities and the API for the Data Sharing system which is used to produce the Open Seizure Database. It is a Django based system which runs on a small virtual server. The source code is stored on github in the WebAPI repository.


The curent main web site uses Wordpress - static pages are stored as wordpress ‘pages’ and news items are stored as ‘posts’.

There is a Polish version of the installation instructions.