I converted my analogue monitoring system to digital by installing a wifi ip camera in Benjamin's bedroom and connecting it to my home network.
I connected a Raspberry Pi single board computer to each monitor, and installed a small wifi usb adapter into the raspberry pi's to connect them to the network.
Setting the raspberry pi omxplayer video player to start on boot-up allows me to display the image and play sound from the ip camera.
I discovered that if I scale the omxplayer screen a bit, I can free up a
bit of screen to use for something else.
In this case I wrote a simple
python script that uses the pygame library to write to the spare bit of
screen. The python script talks
to the seizure detector program that is running on a more powerful computer
via a web interface and displays the seizure detector results. The colour of
the screen background is changed to signify 'OK', 'Warning' or 'Alarm' states
from the seizure detector.
When the seizure detector is reliable enough it will produce an audible alarm too.
I also connected a small microswitch to the Raspberry Pi's which is also monitored by the program. Each time the switch is pressed, the ip camera is instructed to move to a different preset position, allowing us to look around the room.
The source code that runs on the Raspberry Pi's is available in a separate as part of the OpenSeizureDetector github repository.
In the above picture you can see the cone of light on the right hand side of
image, which is the Infrared laser in the Kinect, which is scaning that part of
the room to look for Benjamin.
Our house is quite large, with good solid walls, so our wifi network configuration is a bit complicated - need two access points. The following picture shows the connection of the Raspberry Pi BenTV's to the network, along with the IP camera in Benjamin's room.